31 July, 2014

Hello, World!

How do I shot blog? But enough of that, I have an even bigger question for you: when the denizens of an icy hell come baying for your blood, will you be prepared? This game seeks to answer that very question, by means of a trial by fire...and ice.

This project, which up until very recently was named Frostbite, is about a man named Frank, who is your average run-of-the-mill thirty-something: he worries about how much weight he's put on, avoids thinking too much about the wintery demons invading his mind, and thinks he pays too much in taxes.

Taxes really are a drag.
He is so convinced that otherworldly monsters of frost and ice are out to get him, that he does not leave his house without his trusty home-built flamethrower and assorted other anti-snow weaponry.  Complaints to HR aside, this has done nothing to stem the near-constant snowfall that plagues his hometown deep in Canada.

If this were a newscast, that would be the end of it: NUT-JOB RESIDENT THINKS FROSTY'S OUT TO GET HIM.  Our experts tell you just how many drugs he is on, and why this is Obama's fault. More at eleven.

It's all in the hat.  It exudes crazy.
Fortunately, this is video games we're talking about, and as I'm sure you can all guess, things go wrong  in all the right ways, and our resident cryophobe is the only man equipped to combat the onslaught of freakish creatures of snow and ice that start pouring out of the woodwork.  He must utilize furious firey combat, engineering ingenuity, and a knack for exploration and foolishness to find out why his hometown has been attacked, who is behind it all, and how on earth he came to be right about something so stupid.

...At least, he would.  The actual original concept calls for a much larger world and much more complicated game system than I or my associates are prepared to make.  So to make up for it, this project takes that idea and cuts it down to the most important part: torching snowthings with flamethrowers.

Take that, you three-tiered son of a bitch.
Our goal is to make a combat-focused Metroidvania game.  Frank will be outnumbered and alone, fighting his way through the cavernous catacombs of his own mind, searching for sky and sanity.  He will have a number of tools and weapons at his disposal, including his dear flamethrower, but also including everything from picks and shovels to super soakers filled with gasoline.

So, there you have it.  A crazy guy, some snow freaks, and a whole lotta melting action going on.  Follow me on twitter (@teltura) to get updates as it happens.  I'll introduce the team and show off what we have built so far in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

-- Christian McCarty, "teltura"

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