04 August, 2014

Meet the Team

Last week we painted in broad strokes the high concept for the Frostbite game along with a few pretty pictures here and there.  This week I'll introduce to you those men, no, those paragons of talent and resourcefulness that have brought the project to its current point and who will pull it along to its glorious completion.  For those of you with boring desktops too, never fear, I'll also be throwing in a wallpaper you can use to hide your shame!
Without further ado...

First up is John Holsinger (@jdholsinger), artist extraordinaire and heir to the throne of Gondor.  His areas of expertise within the realm of Frostbite include both environmental scenery and character/creature art.  His was the ice dragon in the first post (you did see it, didn't you?) as well as most of the flashy art that we'll be showing off in the coming weeks.  John spends his spare time hating movies everyone else likes and trying not to die too much in Dark Souls.

Next we have Zachary Workman (@zaworkman), Knight of the Order of the Bearded.  When he is not otherwise occupied wrestling polar bears in the nude, he is composing music that brings tears to the blackest of hearts and helping John with the drawing of pretty pictures.  It is said that when the end times come he will sail away from the land of Men on a majestic ship built entirely from Lego and excess body hair.

Last and least is Christian McCarty (@teltura).  This entire project is his fault and all complaints can be forwarded to him via carrier bat (they know where to find him). He handles the programming, spearheads the design, and deals with the twits (twitter-ers?  hmm).  His real specialty, however, is being mean to people and crushing their delusions of grandeur.  If you ask nicely, he might play your game and tell you why it sucks while tearing your ambition into tiny pieces.

These men of all men have known one another all the way since they were slightly younger men of all men.  Each of them has tirelessly honed their craft over centuries of blood and conflict and have banded together to construct games the likes of which bring hardened souls to their knees.

Anyway, enough hyperbole.  Frostbite is a project that had its beginnings while I (Christian) was spending some time in the South Pacific.  I ran into a native islander who had for his own scrupulous purposes constructed his own homemade flamethrower, and ever since then questions have plagued my head like butterflies: why would one build a flamethrower?   What kind of deranged mind would that take?  Where's my flamethrower?

Rather than add myself to several lists and six-o-clock-news broadcasts, I instead explored the idea of building a game built around such a concept, and Frank was born.  I enlisted the help of my two compatriots above and the rest is future-history.  

I know that was painful to sit and read through, and so to ensnare you with a Pavlovian response thank you for enduring my prose, here's a preview of that wallpaper I promised!  John cooked this up while we were still working on Frank's character design details and while I could describe it with phrases such as "post-post-avant-garde" or "duality of man", I'll instead use the word "fantastic".

The full-sized deal can be found here on Imgur.  This should be large enough to accommodate just about any desktop wallpaper need, but let me know if you need some strange aspect ratio!  We can't have you going with some lame ugly background just because your monitor can count to potato.

Anyway, that's all for this week!  Tune in next time when we'll rant about why we can't actually use our working title of *Frostbite* and we start to delve into the actual nitty gritty of our game design.  Add us on Twitter and you'll get updates as soon as they come!  Ciao!

--Christian McCarty, "teltura"

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